Indesit IWD 6125 (EU) Instruction for Use

Browse online or download Instruction for Use for Washing machines Indesit IWD 6125 (EU). Indesit IWD 6125 (EU) Instruction for Use User Manual

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Installation, 2-3
Unpacking and levelling
Connecting the electricity and water supplies
The first wash cycle
Technical data
Description of the washing machine
and starting a wash cycle, 4-5
Control panel
Indicator lights
Starting a wash cycle
Wash cycles, 6
Table of wash cycles
Personalisation, 7
Setting the temperature
Setting the spin speed
Detergents and laundry, 8
Detergent dispenser drawer
Bleach cycle
Preparing the laundry
Garments requiring special care
Load balancing system
Precautions and tips, 9
General safety
Opening the porthole door manually
Care and maintenance, 10
Cutting off the water or electricity supply
Cleaning the washing machine
Cleaning the detergent dispenser drawer
Caring for the door and drum of your appliance
Cleaning the pump
Checking the water inlet hose
Troubleshooting, 11
Service, 12
IWD 6125
Instructions for use
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1 2 ... 36

Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Instructions for use

GB1ContentsInstallation, 2-3Unpacking and levellingConnecting the electricity and water suppliesThe first wash cycleTechnical dataDescription of the w

Page 2 - Installation

10GBCare and maintenanceCutting off the water and electricitysupplies Turn off the water tap after every wash cycle. Thiswill limit wear on the hydra

Page 3 - The first wash cycle

GB11TroubleshootingYour washing machine could fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre (see Assistance),make sure that the p

Page 4 - Control panel

12GBServiceBefore calling for Assistance: Check whether you can solve the problem alone (see Troubleshooting); Restart the programme to check w

Page 5 - Starting a wash cycle

13RORomânãSumarInstalare, 14-15Despachetare ºi punere la nivelRacorduri hidraulice ºi electricePrimul ciclu de spãlareDate tehniceDescrierea maºinii

Page 6 - Wash cycles

14ROInstalare Este important sã pãstraþi acest manual pentru a-lputea consulta în orice moment. În caz de vânzare,de cesiune sau de schimbare a locui

Page 7 - Personalisation

15RO65 - 100 cm Conectarea furtunului de golireConectaþi furtunul degolire - fãrã a-l îndoi - lacanalizare sau laracordul de golireprevãzut pe perete,

Page 8 - Detergents and laundry

16ROSertarul detergenþilor: pentru a introducedetergenþi sau aditivi (a se vedea Detergenþi ºi rufealbe).Tasta PORNIRE/OPRIRE: pentru a porni ºi opr

Page 9 - Precautions and tips

17ROIndicatoare luminoaseLedurile furnizeazã informaþii importante.Iatã ce indicã:Indicatoare de fazãDupã alegerea ºi activarea ciclului dorit,indica

Page 10 - Care and maintenance

18ROPrograme specialeExpress (programul 10) a fost studiat pentru a spãla articolele foarte puþin murdare, în mod rapid: dureazã doar15 de minute ceea

Page 11 - Troubleshooting

19ROReglarea temperaturiiRotind selectorul de TEMPERATURÃ se fixeazã temperatura de spãlare (a se vedea Tabelul programelor).Temperatura poate fi redu

Page 12

2GBInstallation This instruction manual should be kept in a safeplace for future reference. If the washing machine issold, transferred or moved, make

Page 13 - Instrucþiuni de folosire

20RODetergenþi ºi rufe albeCompartimentul pentru detergenþiUn rezultat bun la spãlare depinde ºi de dozareacorectã a detergentului: excesul de deterge

Page 14 - Instalare

21ROPrecauþii ºi sfaturi Maºina de spãlat a fost proiectatã ºi construitãconform normelor internaþionale de protecþie. Acesteavertizãri sunt furnizat

Page 15 - Date tehnice

22ROÎntreþinere ºi curãþareÎntreruperea alimentãrii cu apã ºicurent electric Închideþi robinetul de apã dupã fiecare spãlare.Se limiteazã astfel uzur

Page 16 - Panoul de control

23ROAnomalii ºi remediiSe poate întâmpla ca maºina de spãlat sã nu funcþioneze. Înainte de a apela serviciul de Service(a se vedea Asistenþã), verif

Page 17 - Indicatoare luminoase

24ROAsistenþãÎnainte de a lua legãtura cu Service-ul: Verificaþi dacã puteþi rezolva singuri problema (a se vedea Anomalii ºi remedii); Porniþi

Page 18 - Programe

25UCRÓêðà¿íñüêàÇì³ñòÂñòàíîâëåííÿ, 26-27Ðîçïàêóâàííÿ òà âèð³âíþâàííÿϳäêëþ÷åííÿ âîäè é åëåêòðîåíåð㳿Ïåðøèé öèêë ïðàííÿÒåõíi÷íi äàíiÎïèñ ïðàëüíî¿ ìàøè

Page 19 - Personalizare

26UCRÂñòàíîâëåííÿ Íåîáõ³äíî çáåð³ãàòè äàíó áðîøóðó, ùîá ìàòèíàãîäó çâåðíóòèñÿ äî íå¿ ó áóäü-ÿêèé ìîìåíò. Óâèïàäêó ïðîäàæó, ïåðåäà÷³ ³íø³é îñîá³

Page 20 - Detergenþi ºi rufe albe

27UCR65 - 100 cm ϳäêëþ÷åííÿ çëèâíîãî øëàíãàϳäêëþ÷³òü çëèâíèéøëàíã, íå çãèíàþ÷èéîãî, äîêàíàë³çàö³éíîãî êàíàëóàáî äî âõîäó äî òàêîãîêàíàëó íà ñò³í³

Page 21 - Precauþii ºi sfaturi

28UCRÊàñåòà ç ïðàëüíèì çàñîáîì: äëÿ çàâàíòàæåííÿïðàëüíèõ çàñîáiâ òà çàñîáiâ äîãëÿäó (äèâ.Ïðàëüíi çàñîáè òà áiëèçíà).Êíîïêà ÓÂIÌÊÍÅÍÍß/ÂÈÌÊÍÅÍÍß: äë

Page 22 - Întreþinere ºi curãþare

29UCR²íäèêàòîðíi ëàìïè²íäèêàòîðíi ëàìïè íàäàþòü âàæëèâó iíôîðìàöiþÎò íà ùî âîíè âêàçóþòü:Iíäèêàòîðíi ëàìïè ïîòî÷íèõ îïåðàöiéÏiñëÿ îáðàííÿ òà çàïóñê

Page 23 - Anomalii ºi remedii

GB30Technical dataModelIWD 6125Dimensionswidth 59.5 cmheight 85 cmdepth 53,5 cmCapacityfrom 1 to 6 kgElectricalconnectionsplease refer to the technica

Page 24 - Asistenþã

30UCRÏðîãðàìèÒàáëèöÿ ïðîãðàìÑïåöiàëüíi ïðîãðàìèMix 15' (ïðîãðàìà 10) ðîçðàõîâàíà äëÿ ïðàííÿ çëåãêà çàáðóäíåíèõ ðå÷åé çà êîðîòêèé ÷àñ: ¿¿ òðèâàëi

Page 25 - Iíñòðóêöiÿ ç âèêîðèñòàííÿ

31UCRÍàëàøòóâàííÿ ïiä âëàñíiïîòðåáèÂñòàíîâëåííÿ òåìïåðàòóðèÎáåðòàþ÷è ðó÷êó ÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐÈ, âè ìîæåòå çàäàòè òåìïåðàòóðó ïðàííÿ (äèâ. Òàáëèöþ ïðîãðàì).Âè

Page 26 - Âñòàíîâëåííÿ

32UCRÏðàëüí³ çàñîáè òà á³ëèçíàÊàñåòà ç ïðàëüíèì çàñîáîìÄîáðèé ðåçóëüòàò ïðàííÿ çàëåæèòü òàêîæ âiäïðàâèëüíîãî äîçóâàííÿ ïðàëüíîãî çàñîáó:íàäëèøîê ïðà

Page 27 - Ïåðøèé öèêë ïðàííÿ

33UCRÇàïîá³æí³ çàõîäè òàïîðàäè Ìàøèíó áóëà ñïðîåêòîâàíî ³ âèðîáëåíî óâ³äïîâ³äíîñò³ ç ì³æíàðîäíèìè íîðìàìè áåçïåêè. Öåïîïåðåäæåííÿ íàäàþòüñÿ çàäëÿ

Page 28 - Îïèñ ïðàëüíî¿ ìàøèíè òà

34UCRÄîãëÿä òà î÷èùåííÿ³äêëþ÷åííÿ âîäè é åëåêòðè÷íîãîæèâëåííÿ Çàêðèâàéòå âîäîïðîâ³äíèé êðàí ï³ñëÿ êîæíîãîïðàííÿ. Ó òàêèé ñïîñ³á çìåíøóºòüñÿ çíîñã³ä

Page 29 - ßê çàïóñòèòè ïðîãðàìó

35UCRÍåñïðàâíîñò³ òà çàñîáè ¿õóñóíåííÿÌîæå òàê ñòàòèñÿ, ùî ïðàëüíà ìàøèíà íå ïðàöþâàòèìå. Ïåðø í³æ çàòåëåôîíóâàòè äî ñëóæáè Äîïîìîãè(äèâ. Äîïîìîãà),

Page 30 - Ïðîãðàìè

36UCR195074414.00 10/2008 - Xerox Business ServicesÄîïîìîãàÏåðø í³æ çâåðíóòèñÿ ïî Äîïîìîãó: Ïåðåâ³ðòå, ÷è ìîæíà ñàìîñò³éíî âèð³øèòè ïðîáëå

Page 31 - Íàëàøòóâàííÿ ïiä âëàñíi

4GBDetergent dispenser drawer: used to dispensedetergents and washing additives (see Detergentsand laundry).ON/OFF button: switches the washi

Page 32 - Ïðàëüí³ çàñîáè òà á³ëèçíà

GB5Indicator lightsThe indicator lights provide important information.This is what they can tell you:Wash cycle phase indicator lightsOnce the des

Page 33 - Çàïîá³æí³ çàõîäè òà

6GBSpecials wash cyclesExpress (wash cycle 10) this wash cycle was designed to wash lightly soiled garments quickly: it lasts just 15 minutesand the

Page 34 - Äîãëÿä òà î÷èùåííÿ

GB7Setting the temperatureTurn the TEMPERATURE knob to set the wash temperature (see Table of wash cycles).The temperature may be lowered, or even

Page 35 - Íåñïðàâíîñò³ òà çàñîáè ¿õ

8GBDetergents and laundryDetergent dispenser drawerGood washing results also depend on the correctdose of detergent: adding too much detergent will no

Page 36 - Äîïîìîãà

GB9Precautions and tips This washing machine was designed andconstructed in accordance with international safetyregulations. The following informat

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