Indesit DA2GL 19A11 (TK) User's Guide

Browse online or download User's Guide for Fridge-freezers Indesit DA2GL 19A11 (TK). Indesit DA2GL 19A11 (TK) Setup and user guide [sk] User Manual

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DA2GL 19xxx (TK)
Operating Instructions, 1
Assistance, 2
Description of the appliance, 3
Description of the appliance, 4
Installation, 6
Start-up and use, 6
Maintenance and care, 7
Precautions and tips, 8
Troubleshooting, 8
Operating Instructions
Kullaným talimatlarý
Kullaným talimatlarý, 1
Teknik Servis, 2
Cihazın tanımı, 3
Cihazýn tanýmý, 4
Montaj, 10
Çalýþtýrma ve kullaným, 10
Bakým ve özen, 11
Önlemler ve öneriler, 12
Arýzalar ve onarýmlar, 12
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1 2 ... 16

Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Kullaným talimatlarý

DA2GL 19xxx (TK)ContentsOperating Instructions, 1Assistance, 2Description of the appliance, 3Description of the appliance, 4Installation, 6Start-up an

Page 2 - Teknik Servis

10TRMontaj! Bu kitapçýðý gerektiði her an baþvurabilmek için özenle saklayýnýz. Satýþ, devir yada taþýnma halinde, çalýþma sistemi ve bununla ilgili u

Page 3 - Cihazın tanımı

TR11Food Care Zone * ( Besin Koruma Bölgesi) : Et ve balýklarý taze tutmak için tasarlanmýþ bir bölme. Bölmenin sýcaklýgý düþük olduðundan besinleri

Page 4 - Cihazýn tanýmý

12TRAmpulün deðiþtirilmesiGüçlü ýþýk yaymasý sayesinde, yeni LED aydinlatma sitemi gölgeli alanlar olmadan tüm besinlerin net olarak görünmesini sagla

Page 5 - Kapýlarýn açýlýþ yönünün

TR13b) Alarm çalýyor ve iki adet mavi uyarý lambasý yanýp sönüyor.b) Cihaz, dondurucunun fazla ýsýnmýþ olduðunu belirtir. Gýdalarýn durumunun kontr

Page 8 - Troubleshooting


Page 9 - Consumers’ Optional Rights

AssistanceBefore calling for Assistance:• Check if the malfunction can be solved on your own (see Troubleshooting).• If after all the checks, the ap

Page 10 - Çalýþtýrma ve kullaným

3Description of the applianceControl panel1 FREEZER OPERATION Button to regulate the temperature the freezer compartment. Button is used with SUPER F

Page 11 - Bakým ve özen

4Description of the applianceOverall viewThe instructions contained in this manual are applicable to different model refrigerators. The diagrams may n

Page 12 - Arýzalar ve onarýmlar

5Reversible doors* If it is necessary to change the direction in which the doors open, please contact the Technical Assistance Centre.Kapýlarýn açýlýþ

Page 13

6GBInstallation! Before placing your new appliance into operation please read these operating instructions carefully. They contain important informati

Page 14

GB7* Varies by number and/or position, available only on certain models.TEMPERATURE Indicator light*: to identify the coldest area in the refrigerator

Page 15

8GBOn enabling the function, 4 indicator lights (SUPER COOL light, SUPER FREEZE light and two temperature lights - one for the refrigerator and one fo

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GB9b) The alarm sounds and the two blue indicator lights ash.• The temperature in the freezer is too high. Check the quality of the food products

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